I had a cloth doll from Appalachia growing up… and she dazzled me! So, I began making dolls 15 years ago as an alternative to the plastic doll market, where so much is predetermined. I wanted to create a new cloth doll that was open to the user's interpretation, play and imagination… for him or her to create their own wonder with their own doll.
Along the way, I developed a technique that allows for the infinite replacement of the hair, and was granted a USPTO patent in 2016.
Stafford dolls are 21” handmade cloth dolls in dozens of joyful, cozy fabrics, and stuffed with yarn for comforting huggability. Both adults and children delight in the scrumptious fabrics and the fantastic array of resources that can be used to style, cut and replace the hair.
All these years later, I now have my very own gorgeous studio space to invite others into to embellish their own doll. You may have no experience whatsoever in fabric arts, or you may be a master quilter; everyone will be free to use the bountiful array of embellishments for hair and clothes on their own, or with guidance/suggestions from me...and the others in the workshop! People love to collaborate, and the results thrill everyone, including me!
Stafford Dolls have no race or gender or story, except for the one the owner chooses, or not, to give their doll. Some go home as toys, some as decorative art, some are designed to be lovingly gifted.
I truly believe that most, if not all, of us are imaginative people who have scarce opportunity to express ourselves creatively. Stafford Dolls provide a delightful way to explore fun materials to design a doll for yourself, or as many do, for a friend, that is very special indeed.
Bring your friends or family along, young and older, for a truly memorable shared experience, and a huggable, joyful creation of your very own to take home.