Disco Drinks & Events, cocktail teacher

Disco Drinks & Events

Disco Drinks & Events

location_on Brooklyn, New York City

local_activity classes: Cocktail

Fish and Mike first met working together in the same Manhattan restaurant a little under 10 years ago. In the weeds they formed a bond of brotherhood, kindled by their shared love of disco, dance parties, and spreading the love!
We are trained sommeliers, cocktail bartenders, and all around hospitality champs. Fish loves to regale you with tales of sought-after wines and Mike always has a surf or dance party story up his sleeves.
We love teaching our craft as it helps everyone become more confident and comfortable in their own home bars and kitchens, and it helps bridge the knowledge gap between both sides of the bar out in the world!


4FHB8OR140 b96a490f1dd90bcefdba5812d2d1076a production new-york-city New York City NY US new-york-city